Tuesday, August 28, 2007

henry miller also painted

works by henry miller

insomnia series
I haven't finished the"Tropic of Cancer yet and I have been reading it fo several months,like a sugery:slowly but sure.But there is no rush.The slowe,the better.I must start reading his drawings too now that I have some images for suport.
Enjoy, because beneath this childish technique you shall discover a unique univers.
Take a look at this piece of universe:

Henry Miller-Asleep and awake

the end

Monday, August 27, 2007

Andreas Tilliander-the swedish magician of artificial sounds


Real Name:Andreas Tilliander
Profile:Sweden's Andreas Tilliander first used the Mokira name for his release 'Clip Hop' on Raster Noton. This album almost single handedly started the glitchy hiphop sound that Mille Plateaux most notably fell for, and made Andreas a respected and revered name in the electronic music scene.

With his music for Type, Andreas has stripped away the beat structures he has become most known for, and instead concentrated on soundscapes and his love of classic post rock. The result is haunting, endearing, and totally unexpected.

recunosc sunetele sale in interiorul meu de cele mai multe ori.cand ascult albumul asta incerc sa-mi mai insusesc inca un sunet si sa il fac rezultat a ceva(actiune,chimie,frecare etc) atat fizic cat si psihic.incerc sa il introduc intr-un mecanism dual firesc,pe el un sunet artificial
un material care reuseste sa fie nou de fiecare data pt ca este in comuniune directa cu starea de moment a ascultatorului.perceput diferit de fiecare data ajunge totusi sa convearga in starea de "inmuiere cerebrala"

ideea e ca sunt plasmuita si din sunete artificiale.............
listen here

Sunday, August 26, 2007

naked lunch cu dracu gol

stiti cum e cand ai sentimentul ca in tine zace dracu' si nu stii cum sa il scoti?

asa ma simt in seara asta cand il aud pe dracu ca imi zice multe chestii misto si nu pot sa le pun pe hartie.adevarul e ca de multishor asta micu nu a mai grait............. dar acum graieste si nu se mai opreste...................cata sporovaiala.

ce s-a intamplat cu mine cat timp el a tacut?
am citit miller si mi-am dat seama ca trebuie sa recoman Tropicul Capricornului tuturor onanistilor ca sa nu mai citeasca tot felul de publicatii ieftine si sa isi imagineze ce zice henry in loc sa se uite la filme porn????????2 pagini=succes.

in fine
sa il lasam pe dracu ala in pace si sa revenim la dracu meu.azi am reusit sa iau masa cu el si am putut sa dom un pic si cu el.dar e cumplit sa dormi cu el(da da cu EL CU EL CU EL.redundant dar e EL).vorbeste in somn incontinuu.aseara mi-a zis ca m-a sunat cineva la telefon acasa si imi spunea sa ma uit pe geam .sa vad ca dincolo de linia orizontului se mai afla o fashie de pamant.camera mea e mare si luminoasa si ma ridic sa vad in loc de linia de orizont o linie de apa.toata strada mea era sub apa pana si blocul meu.potopu se oprise la geamul meu.si nu se mai vedea nici urma de machedon,de tigani,de schele,de vecinul de la etajul 3 ................micutza Noe incercand sa slveze omenirea de cocalari si oameni spani sufleteste.cred ca ar trebui sa imi zic micutza Noua.................
insa nici asta nu ma ajuta cu nimic.tot nu pot sa scot dracu asta si sa il ard la lumina culorilor.
de maine am sa vad lumea prin ochi de calc.mai sunt 46 de minute.ma simt foarte obosita dupa lupta de azi.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Friday, August 24, 2007

paranoia dupa nsk


i first listened to electronic music back in the days when Adi Anthony made this "Paranoia" electronic joint and NSK the "Spring".

Jordan Awan

this morning i saw the movie "STONED"-about Brian Jones,the Rolling Stones founder member,and i got more into the late '60s than i was before.
now,i found this artist-Jordan Awan- who fulfilled my latest trip. GROOVY

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Scream and Don't stop till you get enough of Billie Jean

michael and janet jackson-scream

michaek jackson-don't stop till you get enough

Micheal Jackson-Billie Jean

Michael Jackson-Billie Jean Live-(First Moonwalk!)

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

how to record a jazz tape

povestea incepe pe data de 10 05 2007.
fusesem foarte spontan la un concert de jazz in curtea Green Hours .
"vad o triada blonda.doi tineri (scandinavi) in picioare tinandu-se de o bere si o domnisoara cu parul lung si foarte incalcit sedea intre ei.avea in picioare botine rosii in care cadeau niste ciorapei simpatici.......................atunci incep sa vizualizez cum...........................
in parul ei se va "inregistra" concertul de asta seara.atatea mirosuri,atatea secrete,atatea ore,atatea souveniruri stranse din diverse locuri sunt culcusite acolo.si-a desfacut parul si acum se prind si mai bine notele,trompetele si vantul le amesteca in parul ei rezultand euforia auditiva.
va pleca la sfarshit cu un suras pe buze pt ca stie ce s-a intamplat in acea seara."

eu am parul scurt........dar incalcit

Sunday, August 19, 2007

vasul care isi dezvolta personalitati

e foarte interesant sa descoperi alte laturi ale unei lucrari aparent banale.o varianta sau intentie de vas din cultura cucuteni l-am transformat intr-o alta cultura....................o cultura schizofrenica,care isi schimba identitatile dupa cum te rotesti in jurul ei.
un amestec de ev mediu,figuri distorsionate,regi decapitati agonizand,domni mustaciosi si figuri bucalate.
asa se intampla cand nu esti ascultator si nu respecti cerintele profesorului.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

click sur l'image

Strange statues around the world


Friday, August 17, 2007

in gradina cu melci

tot visez la gradina asta.la melci,la pomi,la frunze,la ciuperci,la garduri,la cochilii si pavaj.....toate de sus.si parca sunt ale mele toate.....desigur ca sunt ale mele,ca doar eu le-am creat.........

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Are You a Tortured Genius?

You Are 86% Tortured Genius

You totally fit the profile of a tortured genius. You're uniquely brilliant - and completely misunderstood.
Not like you really want anyone to understand you anyway. You're pretty happy being an island.


at laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaast
my latest creation has been completed

to celebrate this tribute purse------------->
Wale Oyejide feat. MF Doom-This is Dedicated

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Saturday, August 11, 2007

digging in the crates with Riccarda

my girl Riccarda and I still digging in the crates :))))

cand vremea este gri nu sunt claxoane in oras,nu sunt oameni si privirea se indreapta in sus.am avut chef sa ma uit in sus pentru ca aveam o stare de jos(sau pe jos).si asa am ieshit cu muzica la brat(pe jos) in acea dupa amiaza cand m-am intalnit cu rici ............nu ne-am zis nimic tot drumul.am ascultat muzica si ne-am uitat in sus.sus,sus,sus pana sub sani.

day 2 to complete the crew

i'm out of glue and nail varnish :|.hurry moma,hurry!!!!!

Friday, August 10, 2007

day 1-making of my VINYL PURSE

DAY ONE:from 7 p.m to 2 a.m.
i used:paper,battered dvds,water colours,cardboard,jeans material,glue,nail varnish and not to forget,a mother for moral support.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Xploding Plastix - Amateur Girlfriends Go Proskirt Agents

Xploding Plastix - Amateur Girlfriends Go Proskirt Agents (2001)

Norway must either be an incredibly progressive country, or one with extremely limited musical resources. How else could the overtly aggressive electronic lounge jazz of the duo Xploding Plastix get nominated for that country's version of the Grammys? Amateur Girlfriends Go Proskirt Agents is the sound of Henry Mancini snorting lines of Aphex Twin at a party with the Cinematic Orchestra. It is a surprisingly simple method that involves taking comfortably familiar samples of exotica orchestration, then amp-ing everything up past 11 with the distortion meters settled deep in the red. While the concept is exciting on the first few selections, it begins to stagnate after three or four songs. Fortunately, that is exactly when Xploding Plastix start to break it up. "Single Stroke Ruffs," "Relieved Beyond Repair," and "Happy Jizz Girls" all reverse the polarity every few tracks, reducing the orchestral swing down to moody sample pieces in a more traditional trip-hop vein. But the essence of this album still lies in the hyper-speed drumming of "Tintinnamputation" and the banshee string on "Funnybones & Lazylegs," meant to destroy the perfectly coifed attitude of the original cinematic sound sources.

review from www.allmusic.com


bored stiff?

art history classes were so damn boring in the first year of university........................active redundancy.
i drew these during mister Velescu's classes :|

Sunday, August 5, 2007

july-from 21 to 30.vama veche's people

voi inchide momentan ochii la acest blog.a plus tard