Monday, August 27, 2007

Andreas Tilliander-the swedish magician of artificial sounds


Real Name:Andreas Tilliander
Profile:Sweden's Andreas Tilliander first used the Mokira name for his release 'Clip Hop' on Raster Noton. This album almost single handedly started the glitchy hiphop sound that Mille Plateaux most notably fell for, and made Andreas a respected and revered name in the electronic music scene.

With his music for Type, Andreas has stripped away the beat structures he has become most known for, and instead concentrated on soundscapes and his love of classic post rock. The result is haunting, endearing, and totally unexpected.

recunosc sunetele sale in interiorul meu de cele mai multe ori.cand ascult albumul asta incerc sa-mi mai insusesc inca un sunet si sa il fac rezultat a ceva(actiune,chimie,frecare etc) atat fizic cat si psihic.incerc sa il introduc intr-un mecanism dual firesc,pe el un sunet artificial
un material care reuseste sa fie nou de fiecare data pt ca este in comuniune directa cu starea de moment a ascultatorului.perceput diferit de fiecare data ajunge totusi sa convearga in starea de "inmuiere cerebrala"

ideea e ca sunt plasmuita si din sunete artificiale.............
listen here

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