Sunday, April 27, 2008

2002 - jaap blonk & maja ratkje - improvisors

Maja Solveig Kjelstrup Ratkje, born 29 December 1973 in Trondheim, is a Norwegian vocalist and composer. She performs and releases music for concerts, recordings, films, installations, theatre, dance and other performances. Maja is a member of SPUNK, a Norwegian improv group, and Agrare, a performance trio consisting of the noise duo Fe-mail and the Swedish dancer Lotta Melin. She has collaborated with, among others, Jaap Blonk and Jazzkammer.
jaap blonk & maja ratkje - improvisors

In mod surprinzator am descoperit-o pe Maja inainte sa ma sune ERASMUS UNARTE.RO si sa imi spuna ca voi pleca in Norvegia.La inceput am fost cam sceptica in privinta "chestiilor" pe care le face deoarece nu stiam in ce context sa o plasez pe motiv ca mintea mea este un pic "ingusta".Intr-un final am facut un efort si am dezvirginat-o(pe minte desigur) si am savurat fiecare onomatopee.

Se poate servi bine atunci cand desenati chiar de AICI

pofta buna

LATER EDIT:acum mi-am dat seama ca treaba asta nu e f noua urechilor mele.Yoko ono si John lenon pe albumul two virgins tot cam asa ceva prestau,insa intr-un context f "romantic" si bine definit.

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